We buses with the following passenger seating capacity:
Yes, we certainly do! We’ve been the trusted driver of 100s of weddings over the past decade, and we have buses of all sizes that can cater for your wedding!
We can collect your guests from one or multiple centralised locations, and take them to your ceremony & reception, and then return home after the wedding.
It’s the ultimate wedding convenience, and means everyone will be able to enjoy the wedding without worrying about driving home afterwards.
Yes, we do allow infants & toddlers to sit in their parents’ or guardians’ laps; however, children above the age of 3 will require their own individual seat.
Sorry, but we are unable to supply booster or child seats for children. For their ultimate safety, we firmly beleive all children should have their own personalised child or booster seat. We ask that parents bring their child’s own seat if their child requires special seating.
Yes, our larger buses are wheelchair accessible.
Only charters that attain a liquor licence permit through the Consumer & Business Services website can consume alcohol on our buses. The organisation of these liquor licence permits is solely the responsibly of the passenger group.
We certainly do! We can provide contact charter transport for both before & after school routes, as well as during school-hour excursions.
Due to the law, only service animals are allowed on our buses.